Wednesday, October 21, 2009

glassing room

dug up this photo recently of one of my favourite old boards taking shape.
thats me doing the tail and the talented Mr Bowery doing the resin spot

thats one side down one to go

Saturday, October 17, 2009

new alaia for myself

well ive finally moved house!! and what a mission it was.. to celebrate i felt a new board was in order.

i made an alai, full standup model 7'x18 3/4"x3/4
to go with my other 4'2" bellyboard

here im burning in my logos with a wood burner.. this almost takes longer than the actual shaping

here you can see that beautiful curve in the planshape

the pidgeon was here.. gotta leave a mark...if only for posterity

everyone always wants to know about the alaia, are they hard to ride.. well the answer is yes.
i did get up second time on this one.. but even after 15 years of surfing i feel like a begginner when i get on this board, i tell you what though when you get that trim line going and your flying down the line the fun level is through the roof... great small day fun. stay tuned for some action shots soon.

special thanks to my good friend dick harvey for the blank, and for letting me steal this template, if you want alaia blanks
or you are are keen to have a go at making one even if you've never done it before
 go see richard harvey at
harvey surf on west burleigh road burleigh heads

or email him at

or call him on mob: 0414 557624

also there is a link to him in my links at the side here ------>>

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Terry Martin Showing How Its Done

terry has been around a long time, shaped with the best and for the best, if you've ever wondered what goes into your log, then check this out.